Whether you hunch over a computer at work or have osteoarthritis, neck pain can limit your ability to enjoy life. Licensed acupuncturist Lisa Senay, LAc, understands how the burden of neck pain affects your well-being. At Shoreline Acupuncture in Bellmore, New York, Lisa uses acupuncture and other holistic techniques to relieve discomfort and improve your quality of life. Call the acupuncture clinic today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.
The neck is a complex structure that includes seven vertebrae and several intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles, and various soft tissues that provide support, mobility, and protection for the spinal cord. Many conditions and injuries can lead to short-term and long-term neck pain, including:
Poor posture can strain the neck’s muscles and ligaments, leading to tension and discomfort.
This degenerative condition occurs when the cartilage between the neck’s vertebrae breaks down, leading to bone-on-bone contact and inflammation.
A herniated disc causes the soft inner material inside an intervertebral disc to protrude through the outer casing and compress nearby nerves or the spinal cord.
Spinal stenosis can develop when the spinal canal narrows, placing pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves.
Acupuncture is a dynamic treatment that can relieve neck pain in several ways, including:
After an initial evaluation at Shoreline Acupuncture, Lisa can develop a personalized treatment plan to target the root cause of your neck pain and help you find relief.
Once you’re comfortable, Lisa inserts ultra-thin, sterile, single-use needles into specific points in your neck. You may feel mild pressure, but this should subside quickly. She may manipulate the needles to enhance your treatment’s effectiveness. Most acupuncture sessions for neck pain take about 30-60 minutes.
Lisa usually recommends starting with two acupuncture sessions a week. After evaluating your progress, she may encourage more or less frequent treatments. Acupuncture is most effective when you attend regular sessions. To ensure lasting relief from neck pain, visit Shoreline Acupuncture at least once a week.
Shoreline Acupuncture offers several alternative treatments for neck pain, including:
Neck pain can diminish your ability to participate in the activities you enjoy. To start your path toward relief, call Shoreline Acupuncture today or schedule an appointment online.